Thursday, April 4, 2013

Birthday cake

This is my brother's cake.  I made a yellow cake out of the Betty Crocker cookbook.  It came out great.  The only issue was releasing from the pan.  With this cake, it is especially important to grease (butter) and flour the pan extremely WELL.  The middle of my cake did break, however, I pieced it back together with a chocolate ganache filling.  See my chocolate decadent cake post for the recipe.  I used the chocolate butter cream recipe in the Betty Crocker Cookbook as well.  I whipped it until is was fluffy and easy to spread.  I applied a "crumb" layer frosting.  chilled for 30 min and then frosted the second final layer.  I piped the detail around the cake using the same large flower Wilton's flower tip that I used for the cupcakes below and then wrote the  "39".  Everyone enjoyed the cake and cupcakes.  The frosting tasted like mousse!

My Brother's Birthday Cake!

Butter cream Chocolate Frosting Whipped and Piped onto to the cake.

I made gluten free cupcakes for a family member unable to eat the cake.  I used the same butter cream frosting and piped it on with a large flower tip.  They turned out nice and everyone got a treat at the birthday.  I baked and frosted the cupcakes first to avoid in contamination and save time on clean up in between steps.
Gluten-Free Vanilla Cupcakes
I piped the frosting first on the Gluten-Free Cupcakes so not to contaminate the frosting prior to decorating the cake.  This saved time and clean up.

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