Monday, March 4, 2013


I created these cards, as a swap with my aunt.  We had a lot of
fun.  We both used the patterned hand made paper above and
then sent our finished card to each other.  I will post mine when I
receive it!

Tonight I was thinking about what inspires me.  I came up with a few things.    Inspiration  comes in all things. What ever brings you joy, you should express.  I love to do this through paper crafts.  I find stamping and working with paper is art.  The kind of art I am able to do, anyway. Here are just a few things that inspire to me.

Music brings great inspiration.  When notes are create into melodies, they are art brought to life through our ear and into hearts.  I love to listen to music as I am creating things.  I find when I am deep into a complicated project, I come up with something really beautiful because of the music I am listening to.    The song or type of music will sometimes even bring out the mood of the project. 

My kids bring inspiration.  Their laughter and creativity is amazing.  They have a wicked sense of humor. I have 10 year old twin boys.  They even enjoy scrapbooking.  Their simple  and innocent way of looking at the world inspires me.

My faith inspires me.  I find beauty in all around me.  I see the wonders in our world is and how precious life is to cherish.  This influence how I create things as well.

My work inspires me as well.  I am mother, wife, and nurse.  These are natural care takers roles.  I find this inspires to create things for those I love, however, the art of paper-crafting also takes care of me.  It allows me to relax at the end of a hard day, to get "away" from it all.  I can go off to a peaceful place and let all the cares drift away.  This inspires me.

A picture I took at the beach of my family.  These guys give me lots of inspiration!  I just love this picture.

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 Welcome to my Blog: StampGirlCreates by Nola.    I am an independent Stampin Up Demonstrator .  I love paper crafting and inspiring others ...